Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How To Create An Intense Attraction With A Man

Well, I’d like to tell you a story...It's a story that you might find strangely familiar. Don't be alarmed. Once upon a time, there was a woman who was very attracted to a particular man.

At first, he was just another attractive man... but the more she got to know him, the more she began to feel attracted to him... and the more time she spent with him, the more that attraction grew into a deep emotional attachment and affection for him.

But there was one problem. As her emotional attachment grew stronger and stronger, she also grew more and more insecure. Why? Because she couldn't tell whether or not he felt the same way towards her.

Sometimes he would talk to her and say things that led her to believe that they shared a special connection, but nothing ever progressed past the “friendship” stage.

There was an occasional glance, an occasional email or call from him... and a few times, he even opened up about something personal or emotional, and invited her “inside” for a little while.

But something was wrong with the picture. He just wasn't acting like a man who was “falling in love”. He was acting like a friend, but at times, even more distant than a friend would be.

And things seemed to be hot and cold. Sometimes he would look at her and talk to her, and sometimes he would ignore her and close himself off.

The insecurity that she felt from all this, became a spiral that amplified itself... and the more insecure she became, the more afraid she grew of “screwing things up” or “scaring him off”, by starting conversations or asking him if he was interested in her and why he didn't ask her out.

Plus, the more insecure she became, the less time he seemed to want to spend with her. After spending days and nights obsessing over this guy, the woman finally arrived at the conclusion that if he only knew how she felt, that he would feel the same way.

So she made a bold move. She told him how she felt. She confessed her feelings and let him know that she wanted to be with him.

He responded by flirting with her and he spent some time alone with her, and they even kissed and held each other.
But soon after, he quickly withdrew, didn't call her and wasn’t really “available” to her.

This only confused the woman more. She didn't know how to take it...Did it mean that he really loved her too, but that he was afraid of something?

Did it mean that he wasn't ready for a long-term relationship?
Did it mean that he didn't love her, and that he was trying to give her a hint? Did it mean that she hadn't tried hard enough?

Did it mean that she needed to put everything on the line and really let him know how she felt? She finally decided that she couldn't go on like this anymore... she had to be with him.

She had to make sure that he knew just how much she wanted to be with him... so she took a big step, bought him a symbolic gift and wrote him a letter... again confessing her feelings. And then, something unthinkable happened. Either he didn't reply at all... (Ouch!)

Or he replied and she connected with him on an emotional and physical level for a brief time, but then he backed away.
Then she called him a couple of times, the following week before reaching him.

He made an excuse about being very busy and said, “I'll try to give you a call soon, I have to go”... and hung up... but she never got a call back. Over the following months, the woman tried desperately to understand what went wrong... and what happened. the end...

Ok, I'm back. Now, wasn't that a sweet story? Heartwarming, huh?.I know; I should keep my day job, and not take-up writing romance novels...

Now, let's talk about that story. That story is basically a myth. But I'm not talking about fiction here. I’m talking about a story that rings true for lots of women. A story that is timeless. A story that resonates at a deep level, because you can identify with it.

And why does this particular story resonate for some women?
Because lots of women have been there in one way or another... at one time or another... and many have been there often in their lives.

Another thing that gives this particular story a lot of power, is the powerful negative emotions that it stirs... as a result of the powerful negative experiences that it brings back...

Stories and situations like this one, really fascinate me.

They fascinate me, because I see them as an opportunity to understand and solve the puzzles that they represent.
In this particular situation, I think there is a solution.
It lies in understanding a secret that lots of women don't get.

That secret comes down to the reality that if a man isn't attracted to a woman, all of her attempts to confess her love, convince him to like her and court her, backfire.

In other words, they not only don't work; they actually make things worse. In other words, the very things that a woman does to try to make a man like her, make him not like her.

They make him run. All of those great intentions and emotional dedication actually cause the woman feeling them, to do things that make the man go away. It sucks!

But it's a strangely common dynamic, that also takes place inside dating situations and new relationships without women (or men) really being aware of it, and understanding what's going on.
And I hope that by explaining the process of how this happens to you, that I'll help you avoid this painful situation in your own future...

And maybe you can start to understand what's going on a little better, if you think about what it's like when a man you're NOT attracted to, desperately wants your attention, affection and your time.

Have you ever had a guy pursue you?

As he's trying to get your attention, approval and affection, all of his pleading and effort just seems to bug you more and make you want to get away. Even if all he's doing, is telling you great things about yourself and how he feels about you? Strange and interesting.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why Some Women Are Just Unlucky In Love Life?

Now… I’d like to ask you another question… and I’m asking that you be totally honest with me here…

When you are alone and thinking about the pain and frustrations you’ve experienced in life and in love… what do you attribute to be the cause of it all?

Do you ever feel that you might have just been “unlucky” in love? And maybe it’s just that your “time” has yet to come?

And… have you ever thought that when that time does come… and if you could just meet the right man for you… that all of your problems, fears, and disappointments would simply go away?

Maybe you see your life as a puzzle… and your perfect man as the missing piece that will finally “complete” you…

And deep down, you feel that if you could just find that missing piece… or when it finds you… that everything will finally come together and fit perfectly… and all of your troubles would simply fade away…Sound familiar?

I think we’ve all felt this way at one time or another. It’s nice and comforting to think that one day we will all meet the love of our lives and live happily ever after.
In fact… this fairytale has been burned into our minds since we were all very young…

And because of this… many of us never stop to think that this belief of our prince showing up and “taking us away” from all of our troubles could be just that… a fairytale that may never come true.

The truth is that the thought of being “unlucky” is a dangerous one… because it allows to you overlook what is probably the real source of the problem…
Think about this for a second…

What if the feelings and problems you are experiencing in life and in love are not a result of you being “unlucky” and not finding the right man for you… but the very reasons why you have yet to find him? Have you ever thought that this could be the case?

How To Stop Feeling Cursed While Living Without Love?

Hey Guys

Do you ever get that feeling that finding a fulfilling and lasting relationship with a man
seems like it's nearly impossible? Have you ever caught yourself thinking of all
the reasons that love won't work out in your life... instead of finding all the reasons it can
and will?
Do you ever wonder if there even is a man out there who is capable of not only seeing you for who you really are...
But who is also able to truly love you for all that you are?
If so, then you're not alone. My experience over the last several years
has led me to meet tons women who are incredibly smart, beautiful, and loving...
But who all make one tragic mistake- They let their mind get in the way of the
love that they want to give and receive in their heart.
If you've ever caught yourself feeling like it's safer to not meet a man, not open up, and
to not date to love... then you know what I'm talking about.
If you know in your heart that you want nothing more than to have that deep kind of intimate love in your life again...
But you know that one of the biggest struggles you're facing is simply getting past the fear
and resistance you have in your mind...
Let me ask you... What if you came across that amazing man who
you knew could be the kind of lover, friend, and companion that would last forever...
But you let negative thoughts and patterns from your past get in the way?
Wouldn't you just kick yourself?
You've tried being the amazing woman you are. You've tried to give "dating" a chance to help you connect with that right man.
And you've told yourself that you would open your heart again for love... even though the
possibility of getting hurt again scares you more than you would care to admit...
But love still isn't flowing and surrounding you in your life. Why is that, and how can that be? It doesn't seem fair.
There's something I believe in strongly that I want you to hear-
When we are truly open to recognizing, giving,
and receiving love... something incredible happens- Love surrounds us.
I want you to feel what it's like to be surrounded by love both in a deeply connected relationship with a great man... and in all your relationships.
But I need your help. It's time you did the best thing you can do
when you've tried your best but you're still not getting what you want-
And that's to discover how other women like you have turned their love lives around.
The good news is, it's a whole lot easier than it might sound.
It starts with creating a small and simple "shift" inside yourself.
And it's this one small shift that radiates out like a ripple on the water to start having a dramatic effect on everything else.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Still Single? Meet A Good Man In Seconds...

If you're ready to make a fresh
start this year and finally learn the secret to
triggering powerful attraction in a man...

And if you're ready to have a man beg you for your
time and attention, because he's so intrigued and
attracted to you that he wants to be around you
and only you.
I want to share some fascinating insights with
you about why it might seem so impossible to meet
a good guy and find a new relationship.

First, I'd like to ask you-

Are you still single even though it seems to
you like you've been dating forever?

Do you almost feel embarrassed about how long
you've been single, or how many bad dates,
unavailable men and dead-end relationships you've
been through in the last few months or years but
you still haven't found a decent guy who will
stick around?

Maybe you're starting to feel wiped out by this
whole "dating thing."

After all, another year has gone by, and not
much has changed in your love life.

Sure, you've dated a few guys, or maybe you've
even been in a "serious" relationship.

But things haven't worked out.

It's the same story.

If you're into them, they're not into you.

And whenever things felt promising and hopeful,
something unexpected happened that ruined things.

He got busy, you moved away, he went back to
his ex, or you discovered a real "deal-breaker"
about him.

You're starting to wonder if things just aren't
going to work out for you when it comes to love,
and you'll just end up perpetually single.

And sure -

You keep telling yourself it's not so bad.

There are so many other great things you have
going for you in your life, like your career or
your friends and family.

But deep down, you don't want to be single
forever, do you?

You worry about it more often than you want to

But at the same time, it's almost as if you've
become pickier and more jaded each time you go out
on a date with a man.

Sure, he's attractive and "nice." But will he
call again? It's almost like you keep waiting for
the other shoe to drop, and this is when things
actually feel good! Ugh.

You didn't used to feel this way.

You're starting to not only lose hope, but
you're losing motivation.

Bad sign.

But now a new year is about to begin, and the
beauty is that you can make a fresh start.

Starting today.

It's never too late for a fresh start in your

You deserve to have love in your life.

It's time you stopped being starved of love.

So in the spirit of a fresh start, let me ask
you a quick question.

What would you rather do at this point?

Would you rather:

A) Keep telling yourself that there's no good men
out there, and keep going along hoping a great guy
will just show up out of the blue one day and all
your love life problems will disappear - and RISK
possibly staying single forever if this never


B) Continue working hard, but change nothing about
how you've been meeting and interacting with men,
because you think it's just a matter of time
before you "click" with someone - and again, risk
staying single for a long, long time?


C) Learn a new way to interact with a man in the
first 2 minutes of meeting him that will create
the kind of great impression and powerful
attraction that could be the start of a great
relationship... and then keep on creating that
attraction with every word you say and every
minute you spend with him?

Which one would you rather do?

If you pick A or B, you can stop reading. I
don't want us to waste each other's time here.


If you picked C, then I've got great news.

You're about to get 2 quick and easy tips on
exactly what to do and say to a man in the first
2 minutes of meeting that will increase your
chances like 200% for making a powerfully good

So let me set up the scenario.

Let's say you're at a party or at business
networking get-together or something.

You're there by yourself, and you're wondering
if you'll meet a man.

There are a lot of single men there, and you're
standing around trying to see which ones look
attractive to you, while at the same time trying
hard not to stare.

And then it happens.

Someone accidentally runs into you and you
almost spill your drink.

You turn around, and as he apologizes, you
realize he's just about the most attractive man
you've seen all night.

You smile, he smiles, and suddenly you get that
"deer in the headlights" feeling as he grasps your
elbow and apologizes again and starts to walk

But he's still looking at you, and smiling.

this is the moment too many women blow it.

This is when you want to say or do something
to get his attention, but your brain freezes and
you can't think of anything to say. So you end up
saying nothing.

Or worse.

You say something completely goofy and feel
embarrassed the second it comes out of you mouth.

Well... what if you had an easy and fun way to
make sure you got a chance to connect with that
man and create that spark of attraction inside him
when you wanted to?

What could you say or do in this moment that
would be sure to-

-Flirt with a man in a simple light way, without
feeling pushy to him?

-Get his interest, and let him know you're

-Avoid coming off as boring and predictible like
other women great men meet and talk to?

Great questions.

Know the answer?

Don't worry, I've got the answers for you.
Join me next time for more.
Keep on dating there is someone out there for you.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Why Men “Pull Away” From Some Women…

Dear Friend,

When someone we care about rejects our efforts to become closer to them, it’s not a fun feeling.But an even worse feeling than that is not knowing why??.

Of course, the men in these situations are rarely any help.They will usually try to explain themselves by saying dumb things like...

“It's not you, it's me.”Or another predictable male “excuse” such as, “I'm just not ready for a serious relationship.” I know this very well… because I've been “that guy” in the past…

I’ve been the guy who withdraws… the kind who spontaneously gets “scared” when a relationship gets close and intimate… and the kind of guy that can make a real, close, loving, lasting relationship seem impossible.

I’ll admit it. I know all about “that guy”… because that guy has been me.But let me let you in on a couple of secrets… the first of which you might already know:

  1. The “excuses” I mentioned above, and all of the rest of the common “man excuses”… are a bunch of b.s.

  2. Deep down, 99% of all men are ready for a relationship… and would love to find that special woman… someone with whom they could finally let their guard down, and experience true love.

Trust me on this one. I’ve known more than a few “players”… and while some men will date several women at once, it’s only because they haven’t met  one they are really looking for.

In fact… over the years I’ve seen every one of these guys bring their “playing” to a screeching halt when they met someone they were really into. I’m sure you’ve seen this happen with guys you know…

I’m also embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve actually said both of the “excuses” I mentioned above on more than one occasion… and after the perspective I’ve gained from years of understanding myself and other men, I finally realized that I never actually meant it when I said it… and neither do other men.

You know what I’m talking about here from experience… When a man says one thing, but you intuitively know it’s another… but he can never see it for himself, no matter how hard you try and show or convince him.

The reality is that I, and most other men, have never pulled away from a woman because I wasn’t “ready for a relationship”… or because I “got nervous” or “wanted to take things slow”… although that’s all we could see to understand about ourselves and communicate at the time.

A female friend of mine recently had the unfortunate experience of having a man pull away from her because he “wasn’t ready for something serious”… only to jump into a serious relationship with another woman just a few weeks later.

Hmm...So why do men pull away from certain women… but fall head over heels for others? Let me let you in on another little secret.

The Secret Reason a Man Will never Tell You About Why He Didn’t Want you

Although what I’m about to tell you may upset you, it’s actually good news

Here it is,When a man pulls away from a woman, it is not because men are “screwed up".And… it’s not because he has doubts about being in a relationship.

It’s because he has doubts about being in a serious relationship with that particular woman.Something is missing with that woman that makes him think that she is not the one for him to settle down with… and that he can do better…

Here’s something else you should know.When this happens, it’s usually never over a “little thing”.It’s also almost never because a man isn’t attracted to you physically (if that was the case, he wouldn’t have gotten that close to you in the first place.)

It also doesn’t necessarily mean that he wasn’t at least somewhat attracted to you emotionally.What it does mean is that there wasn’t enough attraction there to lead him to feel that you were the one for him.

So was there anything you could have done about it?

The answer is yes.And the good news is that it’s actually quite simple to give a man that powerful “gut feeling” that tells him you are the one.It all comes down to understanding just a few important things about men.

How To Give A Man That “Forever Feeling” So He Knows Beyond A Shadow Of A Doubt That You Are The Perfect Woman For Him…

After years of research, and talking to hundreds of both men and women about what is important to them in a loving, connected relationship… I've found that there are 5 things a woman must understand in order to make a man feel those special feelings for her…

Simply put, a woman who understands these  things never has problems with men becoming “distant” or pulling away… her main problem is usually men wanting to get too serious, too fast!

On the other hand, failure to understand these things will hurt your chances of finding, attracting, and staying connected with a man over the long-term… no matter how infatuated he may be with you in the “honeymoon stage”.Here they are:

1. How Attraction Works For Men And How To Create The Feeling of Attraction Inside A Man In A Way That Awakens More Than Just His Physical Senses And “Short Term” Interest

The main thing you must understand to guarantee the man you want to be with feels the same way about you is attraction.More specifically how attraction works for men.

Sadly, most women will never figure this out… and end up sabotaging their chances of experiencing a loving relationship with the man they want… without ever realizing what they did wrong…

Have you ever thought about what attraction really is?The fact is that most of us have never considered the “nature” of attraction…and how it works.Think about it for a minute… What is “attraction” anyway? And what does it have to do with love? or lust?

This motivated me to spend the last few years studying, researching, and observing to build a clear map and picture of how attraction works---in both the short a long term---so that I could share my understanding and help others.

Of course… simply knowing what attraction is isn't enough.What’s really important, if you want things to grow and last with a man, is knowing how to create it.

If you want to take a man from “Hello…” to a first date, to meeting you again, to talking and sharing deeper things about each other, to attraction, to more “lasting attraction”, to intimacy… and all the way to “I have to tell you that I love you”… then you're going to have to get the hang of turning up the level of attraction a man is feeling for you and knowing how and when to dial it up and down…

Men respond to anticipation, tension, and other ingredients of attraction. And if used correctly, they will amplify each other… leading to a very strong, deep level of attraction.

If you want men to feel that gut level attraction inside that's more than the “she's cute or hot enough to date for a little while” that some guys feel, then you're going to need to evolve for yourself a  understanding how communication works.

And get this;A woman who learns to create this kind of attraction and make a man feel these feelings will not only have a closer, more open and “connected” man, but she'll also have a better long-term partner… a partner who will often figure out and deal with some of the “natural” challenges that come up in relationships for her.

In other words, you won't have to be the one doing all the work anymore to keep the relationship ALIVE. The relationship won't just die or fall apart if you stop compensating for HIM. You won't have all that “weight” that comes with being the only one in a relationship who cares enough to think about, analyze and learn how to get past the common but dangerous “issues” in a REAL, HONEST, LOVING RELATIONSHIP.

Again, the good news is that this is fairly easy to learn… and when you get this down… and know how to create a GUT LEVEL attraction inside a man that leads to him feeling an intense and lasting desire to be with you… everything else will just fall into place…

2. The Things That DESTROY Attraction And Lead A Man To Say “I’m Not Ready For A Relationship”… And How To Avoid Them

Have you ever met a man where you both connected deeply, things moved FAST because it felt so right, but then the unthinkable happened when you finally talked one day… and he said that he actually wasn't that “into” you and a relationship after all… even though his thoughts, behavior and feelings told you an entirely different story about him all along?

They key to avoiding this is to learn both how attraction is created AND destroyed.

It's a pain, but once a man decides that you're the “I'm just not ready for a relationship” girl to him (translation: you acted predictable and lack emotional intelligence enough to prove that you're going to be less and less comfortable, fun and easygoing as time goes on) then that's it…

You don't want to create this feeling or idea in a man's head and kill the deeper level attraction he could feel for you.

It’s CRUCIAL that you learn how to “keep the ball in the air” and keep the attraction building… not just physically, but emotionally… which is the trickiest part with a man.

It’s also crucial that you learn how to easily and almost effortlessly KEEP a man feeling that intense desire and attraction inside a relationship… and not just in the early dating stages.

3. Understanding How To Read And Respond To A Man's “Emotional World”

This ONE AREA OF MISUNDERSTANDING is the source of so many easily avoided problems and challenges that ruin budding relationships for smart, loving women with men that it frustrates me to see it happen… because it's so easy to fix once you “get it”.

As you probably already know, men can be dangerous, or just plain stupid, when it comes to dealing with their feelings and emotions.

Here's a quick story along these lines that I've got to share with you…

Several months ago I was invited to speak at a conference to around 200 men about dating and relationships. I thought it would be fascinating for all of us if we talked about how a man and a woman can emotionally “connect” in a more direct way and bypass a lot of wasted time in dating, arguments, rejection, hurt feelings, mini break-ups, etc…

I knew that if men could have more awareness around this, and use the tools I had for them in my presentation to better connect with women, then they'd be a whole lot better off. (And so would the women they were dating!)

As you might expect, I saw more than a few blank stares in the audience during this topic.

It's not often you have a room full of men talking about how to better “emotionally connect” to a woman. Well, we were, and here's where it got even more FASCINATING…

When I got to the end of my presentation, I decided to take some one-on-one questions from the guys in the audience. The first two were great questions from a couple of guys that I could tell got a lot out of the conversation.

But then this third guy stood up…

He looked like your average, nice, thoughtful, polite guy and had a soft and calculated voice. He quietly stood up, took the microphone and asked, “Excuse me… but um… what's a connection?”

Wow! I was floored by the question… Not because I couldn't answer it, but because of what it meant about him… and about other men who were thinking the same…

At that moment, I couldn't believe that a human being could actually not know what an emotional connection with another human being was. That still messes with my brain.

Ok, maybe he actually WAS an alien… lol. But here's the point…

After thinking about it, I remembered that this guy who asked the question about a connection was really just another man, and not even much of an unusual one.

And right then, as I thought about this, I had an AMAZING REALIZATION…

All the thinking, research, writing and explaining that I've done in the past on how men are different when it comes to communication and relationships seemed to actually sell the idea short now that I had heard the truth “from the horse's mouth”. The way men understand (or don't understand) emotions, feelings, relationships and connection was even more extreme than I had thought (and I already thought the differences were pretty extreme.)

Of course, after this happened, scrambled for my journal, my notebook and my laptop to write down what started pouring out of me… I began digging even deeper into studies, research, interviews, observations, and experiences from my life so that I could explain exactly what this meant and what was really going on here inside the minds of most men.

That's when a lot of my most recent material on emotional connection and what creates lasting and long term attraction in relationships with men was created.

Lately, I like to ask women, “Have you ever taken the time to sit down and really and truly picture and imagine what it must be like to be an attractive and 'masculine' man?”

Of course, the answer is always, “No.”

Men might act emotionally strong, indifferent, and even cold, but most men are surprisingly fragile emotionally. The thing is… it's just not part of their more “masculine” make up to display or talk about these things much of the time and to avoid the opportunity they bring for connection and intimacy.

Instead, they often express their emotions in more symbolic and indirect ways… when it comes to dating and relationships, most women commonly misinterpret or react negatively to a man's “natural” emotional displays.

Think about this…

Attractive men who are smart, handsome, and successful are flirted with and approached all the time.

These men have OPTIONS.

And some of the more “needy” and desperate women who try for their attention have no idea whatsoever what it takes to get an attractive man's attention and KEEP IT.

And even if these women do date a guy for a while and things “seem” good, if a woman doesn't understand how things work for HIM, and how his feelings are triggered without all the neediness, emotional pleading, sexual enticements, etc., then there's no way the man's going stay attracted and interested for the long term.

It isn't “fair”, and it can just suck, but if a woman doesn't understand how to create attraction, how a man's emotions open up and close off, and why… then a man just won't FEEL IT for her as time passes - even if the connection USED TO BE THERE.

Understanding this mindset… how it affects a man's personality… and (this is key) what kinds of “games” men play to diplomatically and politely excuse themselves or withdraw from any future commitment is HIGHLY important.

I know how frustrating it can be with what seems like so many “games” going on and so much to think about just for the simple feeling and sharing of love.

And isn't true love supposed to just “happen” and be free of all this?

Well… the thing is, once you start to understand more about a man's emotional world and how to help him tune into yours, it won't seem or feel like work to you at all.

You'll be able to get back into that “flow” where love IS shared and expressed easily… and you will both start to naturally understand and fulfill each other.

Instead of letting typical male “games” get to you, I'm going to teach you how to understand them so you can keep them from happening, and show you how to make them work FOR YOU if they do.

If there's one thing that attractive men seem to respond to universally, it's A WOMAN WHO GETS WHAT'S GOING ON EMOTIONALLY for herself AND for him.

THAT’S when a man will share his love with you.

Being a woman who already “gets” what an emotional connection is, you're way ahead of the game with a man.

Now you've got to learn exactly how to put that advantage to use in your love life for good.

It’s time to learn to see things in a completely different way… which will lead to you becoming almost MAGNETICALLY ATTRACTIVE to men for more than just a fling. Really. Your emotions and your ability and power to connect are your own set of “pre-wired tools”. All you need to do is start using them the right way…

4. How To Come Across To A Man As UNIQUE

Once you realize that men often date constantly, know lots of different women, and have had several past relationships that didn't go well for them either, you begin to realize that THEY MUST START TO SEE PATTERNS in the way women behave around them… just like the patterns you recognize with men.

Here's a great question for you…

What do you think the most common pattern is that men see in women?

If you haven't already guessed it, it's the pattern of a woman trying to CONVINCE a man to make more of the relationship and change or feel something that they can't “control.”

LOTS of women do this and don't even know it.

But here's the worst part---how men RESPOND.

When women take on “convincing” or pleading behaviors, there's a common, frustrating, and destructive male response - WITHDRAWAL.

Let me paint a brief picture for you of the pattern men see and fear in this situation…

In the guy's mind, the withdrawal scenario usually goes something like…

“Whoa! When did this turn from fun into a ton of work? Things have been great, but now it feels “different” because she's unsatisfied and pushing on me to define our relationship…”

“And I HAVEN'T EVEN DECIDED what I want exactly, or what the heck it is that I'm feeling here…”

“And now that the easy chemistry and attraction we used to have has changed- I guess “the magic” is gone…”

“I guess I'll just skip all the trouble that I know from past experiences is about to come up and pull away.”

Well, guess what? Trying to convince a man to act a certain way or feel something with you is the best approach to use if you love spending all your nights alone cuddled up watching Oprah reruns in your PJs.

But seriously… If you recognize anything about these situations, then you know from experience that the more a man pulls away, the more you feel like you need to talk to him and show him what he's doing wrong that's driving you both apart.

And hey… I get it.

Men can sure be clueless idiots that actually do need help to notice the dumb things they're doing.

But unfortunately, here's where most women learn the WRONG LESSON about men… Because a man won't easily open up and stay connected, a woman will actually start trying to do all the communication and “work” for him. Sometimes women start to “fill in the blanks” and play “connect the dots” with all the past situations and conversations so that they can figure out exactly what's going on and why he's being totally unresponsive and withdrawn so they can fix it.

This hopeless strategy works for a few days or weeks, but only serves to make BOTH the man and the woman more frustrated in the long run.

There's a right way to go about it, and lots of wrong ways that will get you nowhere.

It's time to stop sending the signals and displaying behaviors that almost instantly bring up negative and predictable patterns men see and fear in women.

And yes, men could stand to grow up and deal with their own fears. But you can also help them and yourself out by learning the easily avoided male “triggers” and “buttons” that activate fears and issues most men have around women, love, and relationships.

It’s VITAL that you avoid these common “danger buttons” and to connect with a man in a way that naturally leads him to seek intimacy and sharing with you, instead of the isolation and withdrawal that other women have unknowingly encouraged in him.

5. Know What To Expect In Common Situations… And The best Ways Of Handling Them

I can still remember when I first started working with women around dating and relationships… one of the things I noticed first was that most women talked about the same few things men did that caused problems in their relationships.

Looking deeper, most of these women also had these same things come up several times in previous relationships with different men.

Once I realized this, two things hit me like a brick…

First, most women had the same problems and situations with different men. Somehow, the same things that had limited or destroyed their previous situations kept coming back with the different guys they would date.

I had to find out more about this and why it was happening this way for so many women.

Secondly, most women just plain didn't know what to expect  in each situation with a man. They were caught off guard, frustrated, upset or shocked by both the things they had seen and dealt with before with other men and by other new, but also common, situations.

Lots of women get freaked out because they don't understand what's going on with several unfortunately common, immature, and predictable relationship behaviors men have. (Hint - lots of these behaviors are actually harmless displays of male “resistance” and withdrawal to deep connection and true intimacy, but they're only harmless IF a woman knows what these are and isn't freaked out by them)

It’s very important that you learn what to expect… including the types of responses you're most likely to get in various situations, what's most likely to happen, the intentional and unintentional ways that a man will “test” you… and more.

You'll stay more comfortable, more assured, more confident, less stressed, happier, more positive… the list goes on, and so do the benefits to you and your relationship.

The Secrets Of Natural And Lasting Attraction

In the last few years I’ve come to realize that many women have confusion around what makes a man actually feel attraction… and how that intrinsically leads to a lasting long term situation…

The truth is that most women have a “false belief” about what makes a man want to be with her, and how he feels attracted to her.

When I realized this, it was a huge “Aha!” for me… and I was determined to figure out the specific things a woman could do to create and experience more attraction and love in her life…regardless of the problems a man might have.

And now… after several years of research and conversations with men, women, dating experts, scientists, and everything else in between… I’m pleased to say I’ve finally figured it out…

And now… I want to share my discoveries with you.If you’re ready to take control of your love life and open yourself up to a world of passion and romance that can only be found in a deep, loving, connected relationship with a man… I have some very exciting news for you…

I’ve just put the finishing touches on a brand new program designed to give you the skills and understanding to create powerful feelings of attraction in a man that go far beyond the “physical”… making him feel literally addicted to being around you for all the right reasons…

In it, I'm going to take you behind the scenes and explain some profound concepts to you that it's taken me years to research, discover, and formulate… and put it all into simple language that you can understand, and most importantly, use to create an amazing love life.

You're going to learn some of the secrets and strategies of deep emotional connections and communication that develop a more lasting attraction in a man with everything you do (and don't do).

We're going to focus on the critical skills of building attraction and setting the foundation for more “long term” attraction… from the very start…

You've gotten a few clues from me in my book and newsletters… and now I want to give you the complete map.

It's been over a year since I wrote my last book, and in that time I've developed what I think are some of the best concepts, ideas, and actual “love strategies” available anywhere to help a woman learn and understand the world of connection, love and lasting relationships with men.

One of the reasons I created this program was because I wanted to give you insights and be honest about the things a man doesn't say… but does think and feel about dating one woman exclusively and not another.

We're going to spend some critical time together learning how you can go from one step to the next whether you've just met a great guy, or you're dating someone and it's hanging around in that “casual” phase and you want things to progress, grow closer and build a stronger connection that will last…

You're going to learn at least 20 different ways to naturally amplify the attraction between you and a man… as well as what to talk about, what not to talk about, and what it means if a man is talking about certain key topics on dates and in deeper conversations inside a relationship…

I’m also going to show you how to get a man turned on far more than just “sexually”… to the point where he just can’t get you out of his mind… plus specific ideas and ways to connect with a man to help you both take your relationship to the next level… and the next… and the next.
Thanks .
I will talk to you soon.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Do You Know The RIGHT WAY To Meet A Man And Get Things Started?

Welcome my dear friend,

Do You Know The RIGHT WAY To Meet A Man And Get Things Started? Or Are You Struggling To Get The Attention And Interest Of A Man You've Already Met?
If You Don't Know What To Do In The First Few Minutes Of Meeting A Man For Him To Take An Interest In You, Ask You Out, And Want To Be With You For The Right Reasons... Then You Need To Keep Reading And Discover How

Can you tell me... why in the world would a great woman not have a great man who wants to be with her?

It just doesn’t make sense, does it?

Over the last few years of helping women to better understand men and have more successful relationships, I can’t tell you how many times this question has come up...

And I’m constantly amazed by how many inc readable women meet who are unnecessary sitting at home alone.

But now... finally... I am pleased to tell you that after years of seeing how so many incredible women are unable to find great men who love them for who they really are, at long last I have an answer.

I’m very excited about what I’ve discovered, and I can’t wait to share my answer with you for 3 reasons:

a). I’ve discovered that there is just one dangerous yet easy to fix mistake that is single-handedly responsible for why most great women do NOT have a great man in their life.

b). Nearly EVERY woman I’ve shared this with has told me that hearing this was the one thing that really made everything come together for them... and that this information allowed them to take their love lives to a level of happiness and excitement HIGHER than they ever thought possible...

c). If YOU are frustrated with men and dating and the way your love life is now, I am 100% certain that what I am about to tell you will not only change the way you think about men and dating forever. but give you the POWER to change your current situation faster and more effectively than anything else you could possibly do, period.

  1. Now, I can’t wait to share the answer I’ve found with you and let you put it to work in your own life...But let me first give you a quick "primer" on how and where this answer came to me... and why it allowed me to see what’s going on for most women with men and dating so clearly...

One thing I’ve been paying more attention to in my life lately is how we as people can heal.

For me, thinking about all this was prompted by some recent health concerns of my own that have turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

To make a long story short... a while ago I started thinking about how in more of our "Western Medicine", the focus of the treatment you receive is often about alleviating the symptoms you’re experiencing.

And while this helps you feel better in the short term by clearing your immediate problems... the long term effects aren’t too long-lasting.

On the other hand... more of the "Eastern" approach to health and healing places a focus on the body as an entire system that’s "interconnected". And from this perspective SYMPTOMS aren’t a focus of concern in the healing process. Instead, a focus is put on identifying and treating the underlaying cause of the symptoms.

As I sat and thought about this, it started to become clear to me how this whole approach to medicine and to healing not only related to my life... but I started to see some profound truths that related to what most women experience with men, love, dating, and relationships...

Suddenly everything became crystal clear to me about what was going on at a deeper level - most women are spending their precious time and energy focusing on trying to fix all signs in their love life... which of course is leading them nowhere, and keeping them from finding and "healing" the root cause of it all.

The more I thought about this, the more I started to see a fascinating process happening for most of the single women around me... and a new reality came into clear view.

My Own Personal “Awakening”... And How It Can Transform your Relationship

I want you to go ahead and read through the following list of "symptoms" below... and I want you to see if any of these are CONSISTENT recurrences in your love life. (Note: If any of them are, then I have some very good news for you which I’ll tell you in a minute)

a): Choosing The wrong Men... Over And Over And Over

Do you find yourself meeting and maybe even falling for the same type of WRONG men for you, over and over?

Maybe you even got a gut feeling when you meet a guy that he will end up treating you badly... but you find yourself going for him anyways?

Or... do you find yourself having lots of short relationships that seem like they could work out... but then end up going nowhere?

It’s not uncommon for a woman to get stuck in a "cycle" of dating the wrong types of men for her over and over and over... and THIS MISTAKE is the main reason why.

What is uncommon is for that woman to BREAK that cycle... but doing this is a "must" if she ever wants to meet the RIGHT man and develop a relationship that will last.

b): Finding That Men Fail To Recognize That You’re a great catch

Have you ever met a guy that seemed like he was perfect for you... but he just didn’t seem to feel the same way about you?

Maybe you’ve had an experience in which a guy you really liked suddenly lost interest in you after several dates, or even after being intimate with you... and you could never understand why.

In these situations I’ve found that all the "specifics" of your story, and the little things said and done aren’t nearly as significant as this basic fact:

The man you were with just didn’t see you as the kind of SPECIAL woman he should get serious with.

If you want to capture a man’s heart, it’s critical that he doesn’t see you as "just another girl".

If he thinks of you as just another girl, a man will subtly start thinking that he could be happier or better off being single... or "playing the field".

Or he might even end up choosing a "lesser woman" than you to be with who doesn’t have all the amazing qualities of a "real woman" that you have. But he still sees her as that special woman anyhow, and not you.

c): Finding That The “Dating Stage” Isn’t Fun Or Enjoyable

Do you get frustrated with the whole "dating" process and wish you could just SKIP IT and be in a loving, caring relationship without all of the "hassle" and uncertainty?

We all would love to jump right into a deep, connected relationship with someone we care about... but unfortunately this doesn’t really work in the real world.

If you don’t lay down a strong foundation a man during the early stages, and find and talk about all the things you both need to know about each other BEFORE things take off... then the relationship you build with him will rest on a weak and uncertain foundation.

And it’s then that what you have between you and a man is guaranteed to become unstable and fall apart once a little conflict, trouble or tension comes along.

d): Finding That Men See You As “Needy” Or “Clingy”... Even When You’re Not

Have you ever had a guy pull away because you came off as “needy” or “clingy”... even though that is NOT who you really are at all?

What’s really sad is that when a man feels this way about a woman, he almost NEVER tells her... so she gets stuck wondering what went wrong, but never discovers his REAL reason for pulling away.

It’s terribly frustrating for most women who have their life together when they know that they weren’t really being “needy” - it was just the way that the man PERCEIVED things.

But the damage is done...

e): Finding That It Never Works Out With The One You REALLY Like

It happens to the best of us. When we really like someone, we tend to act a little bit differently...

Sometimes this causes women to put on a front without even trying... or to try a little too hard, or love a little too intensely... which can get in the way of a guy seeing the REAL YOU.

Other times it can cause you to come on a little too strong... and lead a man to MISTAKE your signs of love, interest, and desire to be with him for INSECURITY.

Not good.

Why These Problems And Frustrations Will KEEP ON Occurring
In Your Love Life...
And How To Easily Address Them All...

What I’ve done here is listed just a few of the main problems women experience over and over again in their love lives.

The truth is, each one of these problems all have something in common:

Every one of these problems is a SYMPTOM that is caused by a MUCH BIGGER problem.

And if that one problem or root cause is addressed, then all of these “symptoms” will instantly disappear.

Yes, you read that right.

If you eliminate the one BIG problem, you will quickly find that:

#The man you feel is a great partner for you, will see YOU as his equal... and as the quality woman he’s been waiting for.

#The early stages with a man will become fun and exciting for you AND for him... and it will pave the way for a loving, lasting relationship... instead of blow ups, surprises, arguments, and frustration.

#Your man will LOOK FORWARD to spending time with you, and thinks about you when you’re not around.

#You’ll be able to capture the heart of a man who is not only "up to your standards", but EXACTLY what you want and who you deserve

  1. I’m guessing this sounds like a lot more fun than what you might have experienced in the past with a man, right?

But on the other hand, if you keep on making this mistake of not identifying and addressing this one problem, you will find that:

  • You’ll keep choosing all the wrong men

  • You’ll have an impossible time identifying the right men, even when he’s right in front of you

  • A man will quickly lose interest in you, even after several dates or being intimate with you

  • A man will see you as "needy", even if you’re not

  • Your efforts to talk and connect with a man will only seem to turn him off more and keep him from ever wanting a real relationship with you

  • You will feel that men have all of the power in your relationships, and you have none

  • A man will often make you feel emotionally uncertain or "out of control", and you won’t be able to help yourself

  • A man won’t see you as "relationship material" and not want anything more than to casually date you

I think you can see just how dangerous not finding and addressing this problem for yourself really is.

So now let’s talk about WHAT this problem actually is... and how to eliminate it...
I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck
in Life and Love.

Your Friend,


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Did You Know That...Every Man Wants This From A Woman...

Dear friend,
Well,let me start by asking you this simple question.
Are you single and wondering how
come it seems so easy to find any man to go out
with for a date or two...and even more?

But very impossible to find a man to connect with on a
deeper level for something more lasting and
meaningful in your life?
However,If you're like lots of women I've talked to and
helped over the years, then you've found that once
that initial infatuation shifts into something more
"touching"... men often shut down and withdraw back to
their lonely isolated lives.Have you ever asked yourself WHY?
And,Why is it that even smart men think that they'd be
better off alone and separate than if they shared
their life and love with a wonderful woman in their love life? Now,Don't keep meeting men and sharing yourself with
them, only to have things fizzle out when it's not
so "NEW" anymore the way they may seem to look.
Let me tell you here that,There's one thing that women accidentally do when
they're in that casual and uncertain dating stage of their love life
that triggers this "STEPPING AWAY" inside of a
man's mind.
Well you may say that, it's up to a man to keep himself from
stepping away... but if you don't want to keep
running the risk of triggering this in the man
you're with, then it's best to avoid this
issue altogether once and for all in you relationship.
If you're tired of going on more "dates", only
to be less and less satisfied with your love life,
and you'd like to know how to attract and hold the right
man for a great relationship from the very
beginning... then I'd like to show you how you should go about it;
2). What this all too common failures women make is
and how to go about avoid it in your relationship

ii). How you can meet the "Mr Right" and get the
conversation started that will lead you to the ever-
lasting love life
3). what will have your man quickly recognize you
as the only one he'll want to love,like and grow close
with to the wedding arena
The solutions for all this and more are her with me
and i am going to share them with you in oder to improve your love life in dating men.
If you don't know how to both meet "Mr right"
and attract him for more than just fun... and you
keep repeating the same patterns of failed
situations with men you thought would go somewhere
better, then you need to move close to these.
Are you having an easy time creating the kind
of connection with a man that turns a few typical
"dates" into the beginning of an amazing and hot
Are you finding it more difficult than you
think it should be to find a great man and go from
him just feeling "unattractive" about dating you to
wanting and needing you on both a physical and
emotional level?
If so, then I'm going to show you 4 things
that are "must-haves" to win the right man's
These are also the things that men don't talk
about but that drive men wild when they recognize
them and experience them in you.
If you learn these and put them to use in your
love life, the right man is sure to see you as that
unique and special woman he just has to have in
his life forever.
Ready to discover these?
Great, let's get started.
Here are some things that every good man wants in
a woman.
But before we get started, I want to clear the
air on something important.
There are Real Men... and then there are men
who do not have their act together.
Real Men are mature and grounded on a physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
They might not have everything they want in
their life... but they are on a great path and
open to growing on a deeply personal level.
The opposite of a Real Man is a Boy or Lad as you may call him.
A Boy will become uncomfortable when he gets
too close to his own emotions, or too close to a
woman who truly sees him inside and out, for better
and worse.
A Man knows who he is and will listen, learn
and communicate even when he sees or senses that
the woman in his life is unhappy or disapproving
of something about him or his actions.
The things that will make a Real Man appreciate
and admire a woman are often things that a "lesser"
man would be annoyed, frustrated, or put off by.
Now that we're clear on that, things should
be a whole lot clearer here with what will draw a
real man to you and make him want more.
To simplify things here, I'm going to share
some things that a man wants in a woman by
showing you how Real Men think about each one.
And by also showing you how Boys think about
them as well.
Here we go...
1) A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Playful but not "a player"
There's something that drives men wild and
invites them into a deeper level of "connection"
and bonding with a woman faster than plain old
talk about feelings and experiences.
And that something is play.
See... men love to be active and to play.
Men were raised to express themselves and
connect with those around them through action.
Unfortunately, too many women seem to forget
this and want to talk,talk,talk way into
a man's soul and heart.
The strange reality is that as you're getting
to know a man... more talk will often get you
less response or no response at all from a man on an emotional level.
No doubt that, talking is great to get the facts, and
for you to share some things such as your traits
and what you like or dislike in a relationship.
But the fact is that men don't "fell it" or get connected for
you because of what you say. Just like you don't
meet a man and feel it for him because he has a
great attraction effects.
It's not the words... it's the experience that matters.
And for men, the easiest and most straightforward
way for a man to engage in his emotions with you
is by doing things with him that don't require
talking, but allow you to be playful with him but not "a player".
"Doing things" is pretty vague... so I'll give
you a couple examples of PLAYFUL activity you can
do with a man that are sure to dial up the emotional
intensity, and have him grow more ATTACHED to you:
-Sports: Not all men love sports or are great at
them, and you might not like them either, but
that's not the point here.
The point here is to play a sport with a man
because it involves aspects of a "game". You
against him competing.
Any sport will do. Ping pong is an easy favorite
because no one is really "good"... and you can
have all kinds of playful banter hitting the ball
back and forth.
Pool is another good one since it's easy to find
when you're out together- plus you can tease him
him by placing your gorgeous self in front of
where he's aiming and distract him so he misses
his shot.
Then, when you're shooting, ask him to come over
and help you so he puts his arms around you. Nice!
What man wouldn't love that invitation.
Then if you miss, blame it on him in a fun
sarcastic way.
Bottom line, if a man is being active and engaging
in a playful game with you while there is also some
kind of touching involved... it's a magic
combination that's sure to raise the attraction
level up several notches.
$Teasing: For men, teasing is a universal way of
bonding and communicating that is like an unspoken
language that all men speak.
Every man I know at one time or another has told
me a story about at least one exciting and
attractive woman they once met.
Almost all of these stories involve one common
theme- the women they were with started TEASING
Teasing is easier than you might think. The one
catch is to do it all with a sense of humor and
fun... and don't get too serious.
The best way to tease a man playfully is to be
SARCASTIC with him.
If he asks "Do you have the time?" and you
have a watch on...
Look at him straight in the eyes and say "Yes",
smile, and then turn away from him without telling
him the time and stop paying attention to him
He'll realize that you're being funny and
see that he only asked you is you KNEW the time,
not to tell him.
Then he'll either ask you directly what the time
is, or he'll start immediately being playful back
at you.
And away you go playing together.
This kind of thing is subtle, but builds a
growing level of attraction inside a man for you.
Again, what's not important is the words you're
What's important is that you're intentionally
either misleading him with your words to mess
with him, or you're playfully making fun of him.
Some women feel uncomfortable with teasing or
making fun of a man. But for men, it's again
another way they connect socially.
The funny part is, the more you can tease a man
and have him laughing and wanting you to be
serious for a minute... the more he's going to
be wanting to get close to you and know you better.
It's funny how men and human nature works.
Try it. You'll love how a man responds!
For easy and powerful tips on how to have the
man in your life quickly feeling that INTENSE
GUT-LEVEL ATTRACTION that will tell him you're
the only woman for him... go here and check out
my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program here:

2) A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is Independent
If you want a short-cut to how and why a
woman being "Independent" will change the way your
man thinks about and acts with you for the better,
and will have him ASKING YOU FOR MORE.
There's something funny that goes on for some
women because of their experiences in relationships
with the wrong men.
Lots of women mistakenly believe that men are
looking for a "weaker" woman who will make them
feel like they are stronger, smarter, more
powerful, etc.
Nothing could be farther from the truth when
it comes to a good man. (the kind of man you can
actually have a great relationship with)
Real men who have their own lives, who aren't
looking to a woman to validate their lives and
their significance don't want a woman who they
can "overpower" so that they feel better about
Real men want a woman who INSPIRES them because
she has great things going on her own life.
Real men want a woman who MOTIVATES them because
she is thinking and doing great things, and her
energy and attitude is contagious.
Real men want a woman who has her own PURPOSE
that inspires her and gives her fulfillment and a
reason for living and breathing other than
being in a relationship.
Here's the catch...
A lot of women who ARE busy, successful,
inspiring, and who have their own purpose seem to
all have a common complaint-
That men are INTIMIDATED by them and their
success, and that they have their own lives.
This is NOT why men aren't responding well to
them when it comes to more than just a "fling".
The reality is, Real Men don't mind if a woman
has a great career, or if she makes more money
than he does.
What DOES MATTER is that the woman still has
SPACE IN HER LIFE for a great relationship, and
that she isn't OVERWHELMED by her work and her
career to the detriment of a potential relationship.
Of course, the same goes for a man.
If a man is CONSUMED by his work, feels
burnt out all the time, and doesn't leave space
or energy for a woman or a real close and intimate
relationship... then he's not going to do well at
keeping a great woman around who knows what she
wants and deserves. (A man who's loving and PRESENT)
Bottom line, it's HARD to be grounded and
PRESENT with your partner when you have 438 million
things going on... and you're feeling stressed.
Is your stress level getting in the way of
you simply unwinding and being FULLY PRESENT
when you're with a man?
Or worse...
Are you carrying so much stress and worry and
"masculine energy" with you that you're not even
in touch with your own SENSUALITY and SEXUALITY?
What unfortunately happens for a lot of busy
energetic and highly functioning women is that
they get burned out and STOP simply feeling like
the WOMAN that they are.

A Real Man can love and appreciate a woman
who has a great career and life of her own, and
the independence that comes from that makes a
woman even MORE DESIRABLE to a Real Man.
Whereas a Boy is threatened by a woman doing
too much of her own thing.
When a Real Man sees you doing your own thing
and focused on your own life, he will WANT YOU
EVEN MORE and do things to get your attention and
create intimate situations between you.
But if you've tuned out from your own sensuality
and you're stressed and anxious because you feel
like you have to do so much for yourself... then you
often aren't in that place where a man will feel
INSPIRED by you and DRAWN TO YOU on a physical and
emotional level.
To find out what the secret is to getting your
own life together as a woman, and living in a way
that a man will naturally fall for and be DRAWN
TO YOU because of from the inside out... I've
put together an entire program for all this "inner"
There's a place that's IN BETWEEN too "needy"
and too INDEPENDENT that men find irresistible
in a woman.
Funny thing, this place also happens to be
the state of mind where you as a woman are at
your happiest and most fulfilled inside.
Do you find yourself either:
a) Acting a little too "needy" to where you can
tell it rubs a man the wrong way?
b) Acting a bit too "fiercely independent" to
where you don't even want to let a man in or
RECEIVE what he wants to give you?
If so, then it's going to be tough for a man
to both feel deeply CONNECTED to you, and for him
to feel intensely ATTRACTED to you.
If you realize that breaking out of your past
relationship patterns isn't just about finding
another man to be with... but about CHANGING
from within yourself, the you need to read this
right away:

c) A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Is "Emotionally
Mature and attractive"
A single, successful, attractive man who has
lots of OPTIONS has seen a lot of different things
from women in his life.
He's seen how women flirt.
He's seen his share of how things can go wrong
with women in relationships.
He's seen women throw themselves at him.
He's seen how women bring beauty and wisdom into
his life in a way he couldn't have seen on his own.
And he's also seen women act incredibly needy
and unsettled, to where they lose it completely on
an emotional level and fall apart right in front
of him.
The question is...
Knowing what you know about how some other
women can be...
What do you think are the biggest WARNING SIGNS
a man has learned to look for in a woman?
And what do you think might be the biggest
INDICATOR of a healthy and happy woman?
I'll give you a second to think about it.
… …
Now, knowing how most men think, and hearing
over my lifetime how men talk about women and
relationships, and where most of the
misunderstandings come from... I'll give you a
Both the "red flags" and the greatest positive
indicators have to do with the same thing in
men's minds.
Do you know what it is?
I'll tell you-
It's a woman's EMOTIONS.
The way a woman feels, reacts to, and
communicates her own feelings and emotions is
the greatest "Make or Break" place in a man's
If a man feels attracted to a woman, enjoys
being with her, and they're spending a lot of
amazing time together... eventually there'sgoing to be a situation that comes up where you
and a man will see something differently and
misunderstand each other.
There might also be a time where a man does
something that hurts your feelings, or shows that
he isn't thinking about you and your feelings.
How will you respond to this?
And how will you share your feelings?
Will you share with him in a way that will
inspire and encourage him to open up to the fact
that he might have done something wrong?
Or will you share in a way that he'll receive
as BLAME or CRITICISM? (both of which will
encourage a man to either feel ANGRY or WITHDRAW)
The difference in these 2 choices of how you
as a woman respond has everything to do with how
YOU deal with and handle the EMOTIONS you have
inside yourself.
Do you have the patience and maturity to take
the time to get in touch with your own feelings
as you're feeling them, and communicate from a place
of positive intention?
Or do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions,
to where THEY CONTROL YOU... and you do and say
things that aren't coming from a place of love
or positive intention... but from a place of your
own hurt ego?
You as a woman are NOT supposed to be more like
a man, and seek to "detach" from your emotions as
you feel them.
Your feelings are a gift that brings richness
to your life and experience.
But how do you SHARE your feelings with the man
in your life?
Whether you recognize it right now, the thing
Real Men want most from the woman they're with
is to see them simply happy and smiling because
of who he is and the good things he does.
Knowing this, what do you think happens when a
Real Man who would want more than anything for you
to feel happy, loved, and delighted by him and his
ACTIONS with you hears that something he might not
have even known would upset you made you feel
That's right. He'll feel frustrated as well,
and often take it personally.
He'll feel like he can't do things right with
you, even though he tries.
This isn't a great feeling for a man to feel
in his relationship- and it can eventually drive
a man to STOP LISTENING or TRYING if a woman gets
upset by him for too many things he can't
If you want a man to know that your relationship
is something he wants to last and keep going,
then he should feel like it's EASY to know how to:
1) Make you happy
2) NOT upset you accidentally to the point where
you lose your cool emotionally and he feels like
you "turn on him"
A woman who has the maturity to not BLAME or
CRITICIZE a man for what she's feeling, but to
share her feelings in an honest and authentic way
that helps a man BETTER UNDERSTAND HER... will have
a man who is more open than she could imagine a
man being with her.
How does the man in your life think about you
and how you share your more "difficult" feelings?
Does he know and trust that you love him, and
that where you communicate from is a place of
LOVE and positive intention?
Or does he RECEIVE what you say and feel like
you are BLAMING for him being "wrong" or for being
thoughtless or uncaring?
A man, even a great listener who loves you and
is patient... will have a tough time remaining open
and caring when he feels "attacked" by your hurt
But don't worry, creating the kind of loving
and nurturing exchanges and moments you want in
your relationship isn't as hard as it sounds.
3) A Real Man Wants A Woman Who Makes Him Feel
Intense attraction for her love
Men know, as well as women do, that it's
EASY to find someone who makes you WILD with
desire at first...
And hard to find someone who makes you feel
this way loooooooong into your relationship.
Here's something you might not know about
Men aren't as scared of COMMITMENT and
RELATIONSHIPS as they are scared of being in a
relationship with a woman where there is no
Have you ever had a situation with a man where
the passion or the attraction seemed to fizzle out,
but you didn't know what to do about it?
Do you know how to start off conversations
with a man and build the ATTRACTION that a man
is feeling to the level at which he'll be BEGGING
YOU for more time and attention?
STRONG inside your relationship, and what makes a
man stay intensely attracted to a woman well into
the relationship and past the "honeymoon stage"?
A common way women accidentally KILL the
ATTRACTION men might be feeling is by either
TRYING TOO HARD to get him to like you, or by
acting like the relationship is too serious too
Here's a tip as a single woman...
When dating, a great way to do create attraction
with a man is instead of trying to get so serious
by talking about what he does for a living, where
he grew up, etc. (even though these can be
important things)...
Make sure you do and say things that interject
FUN and HUMOR into your relationship from the very
There's nothing more appealing to a man than a
great woman who knows how to relax and have fun.
And the universal way that men relax, have fun
and BOND is through playful TEASING.
Flirting almost always involves some form of
humor and sarcasm- as in instead of answering a
man directly when he asks you what you do for a
living... you look at him and think of the most
ridiculous thing you could imagine getting him
to believe and say that instead.
It's not that WHAT you say starts off an
amazing chain of events that leads down the road
to building a deep level of attraction.
It's the fact that instead of being so caught
up in your mind, you're joking, having fun, and
inviting a man into playfulness with you.
Men instantly understand what's going on when
there's a connection with a woman and she starts
being playful this way- and respond by opening up
and becoming more engaged and attached with you
on an EMOTIONAL level without even knowing it.
Of course, the fun and playfulness of being
UNPREDICTABLE holds true when you're in a
relationship as well.
Most couples get very used to each other, and
how their partner will act and respond day in and
day out.
Part of this is a natural progression to a
relationship that provides a healthy level of
And if you can be the woman who also mixes
this with fun, exciting and playful UNPREDICTABLE
things... suddenly a man doesn't know quite what
to expect.
Suddenly he's reminded that he hasn't quite
seen everything that there is to you.
And suddenly you're having fun teasing him and
engaging in a playful back-and-forth that has the
PASSION and ATTRACTION level rising all the while.
Of course, if you don't do this with a genuinely
playful attitude and a little flirtatious smile
on your face... it won't go over the same way,
and he'll be wondering what's wrong with you.
For all my very best secrets on how to create
a deep level of ATTRACTION that will make a man
literally stop in his tracks and wonder how in the
world he ended up wanting to be so close to a woman
and love and appreciate her... you need to go and
check out my "Natural & Lasting Attraction" program
right now.
Discover some amazing tips to put to use
in your love life right now, and start enjoying
the incredible feeling of KNOWING that the man
you're with is WILD about you because he can't
stop telling you and showing you since he feels
so deeply connected and ATTRACTED to you.
I'll talk to you again soon, Keep on dating
there is some one out there for every one.
Best of luck.
Your Friend,
