When love is lost, sometimes the most comforting thing to do is read breakup quotes. To have expressed so well the feelings you are having can help you to come to grips with your own emotions. Other times, it's just really nice to know that you aren't the only person who has felt heartbreak after a relationship ends. This can also be encouraging as well, as you read the thoughts of people who have broken up, survived it, and have moved on. Understanding the nature of love and breakups won't take the pain away, especially if you were rudely dumped, but they can help you to realize that your feelings have been shared by others.
Recognize what wasn't working for you
So let me ask you. Are you spending a lot of time thinking about all the ways you screwed up in your relationship with your boyfriend, but all the ways he was great?
Do you keep rehashing an argument, wondering if things would have been better if you said or did something different from the beginning with him, feeling guilty or bad that things moved “too fast” between you (and it scared him away)? Do you daydream about all the ways he was special, and how you’ll never find anyone who understands you quite the same way he did?
Romanticizing or re-hashing the past is a pretty common thing many women do when they break up with a man. Big mistake. Don’t do this to yourself. This is 100% sure to only make you feel more awful, not to mention that it keeps you from focusing on what’s most important to you right now.
And that is learning how to get what you want and how to have the kind of relationship you deserve in the future. When you focus on your ex too much, and you spend your time “pining away” for a relationship, you miss out on a very important lesson.
You stop seeing all the ways that the relationship made life a roller cotter for you.You don’t realize all the ways he wasn’t right for you or made you feel less than your true self. You don’t learn what it is your really want and need from a relationship in order to be fulfilled. Let’s face it, you were led down some very negative emotional paths by this guy, weren’t you?
So, instead of thinking only of the “good times” and how much you miss him, consider all the things he did and said that made you feel insecure, anxious or frustrated feelings that one way or another probably contributed to the end of the relationship.
What can you learn about yourself, love and men from the things that drove you two apart, so that you’re sure to have a more intimate, loving and evolved relationship next time around.
Don’t repeat those same mistakes in your next relationship.If you’re starting to realize now that even if you love a man, you don’t really understand what it is that makes a relationship actually work and last with one…
Or you don’t understand what you’re doing in the relationship that’s causing him to withdraw or lose interest in you, you’ll just keep bringing those same issues into future relationships.
Then I want to show you: What defines a “good”, mature guy to begin with, so you don’t keep picking men who just aren’t ready for a real relationship in the first place .What makes a man feel inspired to be completely devoted to you from day 1, both emotionally and sexually .What a man needs in order to feel that he’s in love with you and that a relationship is “working” in his mind .
Go here to know what a truly honest and mature looks and sounds like, what inspires him to see you as the only woman for him. and how to make it effortless to want to be with you.
Stop losing yourself in relationships
You probably gave up a lot to be with your guy. You gave up time with your friends and family. You gave up doing things you used to love doing things like reading, exercising, going on hikes, visiting art shows,whatever.
You gave it up in order to spend time with him. You gave it up to make him feel comfortable. You gave things up because the relationship seemed important, and you wanted it to work. Sure, I get it. Many women feel like they need to give things up to keep a man happy and attracted.
But if you’re using that excuse to: Stay emotionally attached to him, because you feel that you can’t “get over him” easily since you gave up so much .Feel too depressed to go out with your friends or get back to the things that used to make you feel alive and happy.Refuse to “get back out there” and date someone new. Then guess what you’re doing?
Yep, that’s right. You’re still giving up more of you and your happiness for his sake. Even though he’s out of your life. Have weeks, months or years have gone by, and you’re still in the same “sacrificing” place, putting your life on hold instead of realizing your own needs?
Snap out of it! You are actually continuing the very thing that helped break your relationship apart, and made you feel unhappy and unfulfilled. Stop the cycle of only finding that your relationships are about you and your partner turning on each other and breaking each other down.
It’s time you learned how to receives and to get the true love and devotion you deserve from a man. And yes, by you changing the way you go about your relationship you can make this change happen in the man you’re with, or in the kind of man you attract.
Don’t wait for the right relationship to “happen to you”, when you have the power to make it happen for yourself and feel 100% confident about where your love and relationship is headed. Let what you do from here forward in relationships start giving back and feeding you inside and out. forever.
Be ready for love when it finds you
When you end a relationship that felt like it had a lot of “promise” and connection, it’s hard to believe you’ll ever find love again, at least in quite the same way. You might even vow not to date again for a long time, because you just don’t want to get hurt again. It can feel pretty safe to live inside the little “bubble” you make for yourself, just working on your career, spending time with friends, doing things that make you happy.
What do you need a man for anyway? Think.About it
You put yourself and your love life in a “holding pattern” because you don’t want to let another man in or get close. You don’t want to be vulnerable. What’s the point, if all that’s going to happen is that you’ll end up feeling more of the same, bad feelings you’re trying to get over now – right?
Actually, no. I don’t agree. Because if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll realize that you don’t want to shut yourself off from what can be the opportunity for an amazing, life-long experience. That one great guy you’re meant to be with could be out there right now. Unless you create the “space” for him in your life, you won’t be ready for love when it finds you.
Ok, you may feel pretty in-control and safe right now, but are you living? If you’re not taking a risk, are you risking never feeling the love and connection that could transform your life someday?
Nod your head right now if you feel even a grimmer of truth in what I’m saying. And here’s another common thing I hear from women who aren’t ready to date again. “There’s no good men out there for me anyway. The ones I’m attracted to aren’t attracted to me. Or they’re taken.” I can see how you may feel that way if you’re not sure how you’re going to attract the right guy, or the type of guy you’re into.
Plus, your recent experience with men has been, well, less than great. Like when a guy comes on strong at first, then suddenly tells you he’s “not ready” for anything serious, or isn’t “into” monogamy or commitment.No wonder you’d rather stick a twig in your eye than date again anytime soon.
Yeah, I get it. Alright, but what if I told you that you that I can help you learn exactly how to identify and attract the right guy, and give you an “edge” that you’ve never had before in dating?
Would it change the way you think and feel about men if you knew exactly how to get a man close and connected to you and keep him wanting you and only you, without games, manipulation or “tricks” of any kind whatsoever?
You can experience the kind of love you’ve always wanted in your life, regardless of what kinds of bad experiences you’ve had before. You’ll attract quality men because they will “sense” that you are the type of woman they’re looking to have something special with.
You’ll learn exactly what kinds of words and behavior magnetically draw a man to you, and what repels a man from ever wanting anything past the “physical” with you, so you can avoid making those mistakes and losing a guy after getting intimate with him.
Here’s the truth about attraction: It’s not about being a great beauty, or about seducing a man into having feelings for you. Actually, it’s about something deeper and morelong-lasting. And the best part is, that once a man feels this level of attraction for you, almost nothing can keep him away from wanting to be with you. I hope you take these steps and find the love you really deserve.And let me know how it worked for you.
I will talk to ya again soon.
Keep on Dating!There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in love and life!
Frank Authoritative Dating Advice For Women On How To Be A Better Woman, Attract The Men You Deserve, Have Spectacular Relationship And Get More From Love Life. What Every Woman Should Know About How To Catch Her Mr. Right And Keep Him For Good. We Share Secrets Every Man WISHES A Woman Would Know About How To Win His Love And His Heart And They Will Bring Strength, Affection, Attention, And Love To All Who Learn Them. Fascinating, Real-World Tips That Will Completely Transform Your Love Life.
Showing posts with label Break-Up Fixes and Remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Break-Up Fixes and Remedies. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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