Friday, April 17, 2009

Build Emotional And Intellectual Attraction With Him

Dear Readers

Imagine attracting a man emotionally and intellectually in such a way that he absolutely can't resist wanting to be around you.

Not only that, but imagine all the obstacles and excuses falling away. No more "I'm too busy" or "I have to work through some issues." The only thing he'll know is his desire to be with you.

In this post I am going to reveal specific ways to subtly communicate to a man the things that will "trigger" that intense level of attraction inside him.

You can literally have a man who wasn't totally "feeling it" for you suddenly take notice and see and recognize the things inside you he simply didn't look for or see before.

Stick here now and turn up the dial on the level of attraction a man feels and experiences with you on both a Physical and Emotional level.

You'll be glad you did. I believe it could bring some amazing changes into your love life with a few small tips.

Now, ladies, let's get down to what's really going on in your heart when it comes to men and relationships.

Here's what I want to know first...Why is it so easy for other women to fall in love with a man, and for their relationships to effortlessly come together and grow...

While you keep attracting all the men out there who are "unavailable" or who seem great at first, but eventually get scared and just can't go "deeper" with you?

Is this "unavailable" thing really a problem so many men are carrying around that gets in the way of love?

Or...Could it also be that you play a part in finding men who are "unavailable"?

Or that you bring about that unavailable response inside a man, a response that even the most "evolved" men have lying dormant inside them?

I want to share with you what could be a new and enlightening perspective on all this..There's an important realization all smart and loving women come to at some point in their love lives.

It's a "light bulb" that suddenly just turns on... and when it does you instantly grow and see things with a new sense of clarity.

Unfortunately, most women only come to this important realization after they've been through the pain and frustration of doing everything they can think of to "revive" their relationship and failing.

I'll tell you what this realization is:It's that when you're with a man who is feeling or acting uncertain with you - even if you could give him an "ultimatum" that would move things ahead to the place in your relationship that you want -

You're in a very dangerous and "weak" position for your relationship. He's not really making that decision based on what he wants or feels.

It's a weak position because you really want and need a man who is truly committed to being with you on a physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual level. Not coerced, not forced, not convinced. committed. Totally and with all his being.

Knowing this, let me ask you...Do men truly commit and choose to love and become loyal, caring, affectionate, etc. just because a woman asks them?

Or does a man need to have his own reasons for being and feeling this way? It's a very important question.

If you've had one or more relationships where you were ready for "more"... but the man you were with was seeming to drag his heels, or just not care about your relationship... and you tried to make it work but it only seemed to backfire – then this question could be one of the most important questions you ever ask yourself.

Seriously.So as a bit of homework, I want you to stop for a second and think about it...Do men truly commit and choose to love and become truly loyal, caring, and affectionate just because a woman asks it of them?

Or...Does a man need to have his own reasons for truly feeling and being this way with you, if it's going to last?

For a deep look inside how men really think about and approach a truly loving and committed relationship with a woman, and how to help a man recognize and do the things that will make your relationship last... you need to read this detailed letter I've posted online right away:


Let me be unusually direct with you, for your own good: Have you finally figured out that if you don't know how to get a man to open up and talk and share his deeper thoughts and feelings with you... then it's going to be impossible to make your relationship work?

Lots of women think they get how this works because they talk a lot about what's on their mind.
For most women, this is common Communication Mistake #1 in their relationship:

Sharing your feelings first, and often, because you believe this will somehow get him to share his feelings in return.This is not a great way to get a man to "open up" to you and get in touch with his feelings. This is not his "emotional process."

Especially with a man you're in a relationship with who is already acting "withdrawn" and has shut off his feelings from you.

This kind of more is better approach about talking and sharing your feelings actually works against you more than it helps you with men who are acting uncertain and withdrawn.

Here's the deal:If you know anything about a man, then you should know that to get to know his feelings, then more talk about your feelings is not the answer. Which leads me to common Communication Mistake #2.

Out of all the things that can go wrong in a relationship, I've found one that causes women more pain, frustration, and leads to bad outcomes with the man in their life than anything else...

I've watched it happen over and over with all the women I know - my friends, my sister, co- workers. I also get tons of e-mails from women who read my blog who write to tell me this all- too-familiar story.It's the same issue that keeps popping up at the beginning of their romantic relationships -


It's when a woman expects that the relationship will progress to something more committed, but ends up feeling disappointed when she finds out the man doesn't want the same thing.This problem usually plays itself out in one of two ways. I'm sure you'll identify with one (if not both) of these:

SCENARIO #1: You know exactly what you want out of the relationship, but rather than "rock the boat" by having a conversation in which you make your expectations clear, you decide to wait it out in hopes that the man will soon feel the same way and that everything will just "work itself out."

SCENARIO #2: You know exactly what you want out of the relationship but as soon as you get the sense that the guy doesn't share your desires or isn't "on the same page" emotionally, you subtly and unconsciously decide to pretend that you're cool with things just being casual, even though you know you need a lot more to be happy and content.

Predictably, when you find yourself in either of these two scenarios, it becomes a slippery slope toward ultimate relationship disaster.

Here's how this plays out:First- you start feeling unfulfilled, anxious or worried that you're not getting what you want and need from the relationship

Second- you don't know how to say what you're feeling and what you want in a mature, honest way, so you say nothing at all, or you drop "hints" that are misunderstood or ignored

Third- he doesn't change anything about the way he's treating you or the relationship, and you become frustrated or disappointed with because he doesn't really "get" what's missing and what you want from him.

Fourth- your frustration builds up even more and either brings you to an emotionally destructive confrontation with him that freaks him out (like an ultimatum)... or all the silent tension and negative feelings between you make him act distant, disconnected and maybe he even starts losing interest in you

Remember going down this road? Not fun, huh? So what's going on here? And what can you do about it?

Stick with me here, and I'll reveal some basic insights about how to get a man on the "same page" about where your relationship is headed without all the drama, tears and frustration.


What you need to do first, before you do anything else, is get clear about what you want and expect from your love life.You need to be honest with yourself first, before you can be honest with anyone else in your life.

Stop pretending you only want a "casual" fun fling when what you really want is to have a committed, serious relationship that's "going somewhere."

Here's the thing: Getting clear about what you want will help guide your mind in all kinds of positive directions to help you find and attract the right situations and people in your life.

But, unfortunately, being clear and honest is not that simple for most women when "the rubber meets the road" in dating and relationships.The reality is, knowing what they want and expect can turn into a source of extreme frustration and anxiety for a lot of women.

Why is that? I'll explain. Expectations can definitely set us off in good directions in our lives... But when we don't feel like we have the control over how to get those expectations met, the "wheels really start to come off the car", so to speak.

To get the inside scoop about how the commitment process works for a man, and how to transition from "casual" to deeply committed in an easy and effortless way, without the usual uncertainty and fear that comes up when you have "The Talk" ... I strongly suggest you check out my blog post.

Ok, so let's get back the concept of expectations and disappointment. A woman may "feel" like the man she's been dating is "The One" and she can see things getting much more committed and serious, but she also senses she doesn't have the right tools or skills to know how to communicate those desires to the man in a positive way.Simply put, the woman is afraid that approaching the guy with a heavy "talk" will either scare him away.

Or...She herself doesn't know what "taking it to the next level" really means to him, why he would want this, and how to go about talking about it in a way that builds trust and makes him want to open up and share.

So she avoids telling him what she's really thinking and feeling about their relationship.Instead, she starts to accept or downplay the little disappointments she feels.

Until one day she finally wakes up and realizes that she doesn't have the kind of relationship she thought she would have with this man, and she's just not happy with herself or the situation.

And sometimes this "awakening" doesn't even happen until after the man cheats or leaves.

Ouch. Hey, I get it. Men can act more than a little insensitive to all of this, and even act like total idiots when it comes to appreciating and respecting the great relationship you already have together.

But hang on for a sec.Let's just simplify things and boil it down to that one thing that is the cause of all the trouble and confusion:


The unfortunate truth is that some women don't want to dig deeper into what a man truly wants because of their own fears.They're afraid of finding out the truth about what a man truly feels about them, and their future together. And the most dreaded fear of all.

Rejection and Abandonment. These two things are so strong and powerful that something fascinating happens in the woman's mind when there's even a small potential for either of these.Their mind starts a cycle of self-deception. Here's how it works...

The fear of pain and loss often leads us to ignore our thoughts and intuition and replace our fearful thoughts with happier thoughts that make us feel comfortable.
It's the mind's "emotional defense mechanism." I know you felt this before.

How many times have you been unsure - deep down - about the man you are seeing, but instead of examining those doubts and finding a way for you to deal with your own feelings, you decided to actually build him up to your friends and family as being a wonderful catch because you didn't want to face some of the problems lurking deep in the back of your mind?

You thought that you'd help things out by telling yourself and having faith in what you wanted to be true.And sometimes, in the process of making up these "new truths" you even start to convince yourself that he's a better guy than he actually is?

Or maybe you've been in a situation where you've gotten no indication that the man you're seeing wants any kind of serious relationship, but you choose to believe that you're building a committed relationship as things slowly and naturally escalate.

Making those assumptions without the basis of direct communication can lead to big trouble down the road.Save yourself the wasted energy and the broken heart.

If you're looking to move past the fear and insecurity you feel but don't want to get in touch with or let anyone know about, then I'd like to help you get in touch and start the "healing" and growth process.

And I'd like to help you quickly get to that great place you know is inside you where love and amazing experiences and emotions simply flow in your life... and draw the right man and the right relationship to you all on their own.

Remember, a man can't read your mind, or know all that's in your heart.And if you're carrying around pain or fear, it's surely getting in the way of him seeing the beautiful and real you underneath that he would want to know and love.

Don't keep a man from seeing the best of the real you that's inside. Make it easy for him – and for you.The best place to get in touch with this for yourself as a woman, and help a man recognize the beauty inside you is right here.

Now, back to working with your own expectations, and being with a man and discovering how he is feeling.Here's a question that's probably already on your mind...

How can you be sure you're involved with the right guy, and know how he's feeling, and if he shares your expectations and desires?The answer is honesty. honesty is one of the most liberating and valuable traits to develop - and it's even more valuable when you're dating.

And guess what else?It feels really good to be completely open and honest.Plus, even when it seems like it would push you and a man apart, it has an amazing way of bringing you closer together and building more love and admiration.

But only if you know how to share your thoughts and honest feelings in a way that serves you and your relationship.Not all communication is equal.

You can mean something, but depending on how you share it with someone... it can either be received as loving and "good"... or as negative and critical.

How is what you are feeling being received?And how does this relate to the way you choose to communicate what you are feeling?


Let me tell you something important that you might have gotten mixed up inside your head as a woman in relationships with men who wouldn't listen.It's ok to want what you want and to let a man know it. In fact, it's a must.And it's ok to tell a man that his behavior doesn't match with what you want.

For example...If a woman is honest and up front about what she wants and expects from a man, in a way that says that she's not too attached to the immediate outcome, and she subtly lets him know that he better have his act together or else.

It can turn the usual "teeth pulling" talk into an opportunity for building attraction and a deep source of commitment with a man. But can't fake it.

You have to be in a place where you truly believe that you'll find and meet your expectations for love and relationships, with or without the man who's there in front of you right then.

No matter how much you love him.That means you have to be in the right frame of mind, and state in your heart, before you start the conversation with him...

But most women aren't in the right frame of mind because they're afraid, and they've "tricked" themselves into thinking that their intimate feelings for a man will scare him off.


It's not honesty that will scare him off, it's the negative, fearful and anxious "vibe" that you unknowingly give off before you finally explode because you can no longer hide how you feel from the man you're with. That's what scares some men off or makes them clam up.

The amazing thing is that men crave honest women who are up front about who they are and what they want in relationships.The key is to know the right way to communicate these things without going over the top.

Remember, if you communicate with a man in a way that assumes, begs, convinces, or makes him think that you're "entitled" to a relationship and a commitment with him, he will never, ever respect you and want to stay for the long-term.

You might get what you want in the short- term if he gives in to your wishes just to avoid a conflict, but trust me, you are headed for much bigger problems in the future.

Or worse, you'll get what you want now, but he's spent the past months - or even worse, years - secretly seething with resentment towards you. Not good.


You just can't "talk" a man into wanting to commit to you by listing all the ways your relationship is special.This is something very important to remember when it comes to men and relationships.You have to give a man the right "reasons" for him to want to and make himself commit.

Becoming deeply committed doesn't often just happen with the passing of time for a man. He won't want to commit "just because" it's been six months or a year (or longer).

He won't commit to you because you explain how you think you're better than all the women he's dated or because you have such a great "connection."

Nope, he's going to commit for his own reasons. So what are these "reasons"?
They're very complex if you don't understand them... but simple at the same time.
A man's reasons for committing, or not committing, are his feelings and emotions. Sounds simple, but it's profound and true.

The "masculine" part of a man has to feel like he is naturally and of his own free will choosing to be with a woman.If this happens, his commitment will usually be strong and lasting.

But if he commits because a woman has been talking to him and analyzing things to show him how a relationship really makes "sense", then his commitment won't be strong... and it probably won't last. See the difference?

A man's motivations for commitment are how a woman makes him feel when he's with her.

If you want him to respond and have committed feelings for you, then you need to do more of the things that will make him feel those feelings of desire, interest and attraction that lead him to want to commit. Still with me here? Good.

In other words, words and conversations are the least powerful and effective tools that a woman has when it comes to love and relationships.

The feelings of attraction that she can create, sometimes without even speaking, are the most powerful.

Now, I was only able to give a few simple tips and insights on how to better connect with a man in a way that will lead you both closer together and help him not only talk, but feel committed.

I will talk to you again soon. Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone. Best of luck in life and love!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Did You Know Why Politicians Cheat On Their Wives

When a cheating politician like “X” makes the headlines, everyone asks: Why would a successful politician like “X” jeopardize his marriage and his career by cheating on his wife?
Politicians cheat on their wives or have extramarital affairs for a variety of reasons. The reasons are almost as varied as the cheating politicians themselves. The following are the most common reasons why politicians, public figures, and other prominent, or rich and powerful men cheat on their wives.

1#. A Sense of Entitlement

Politicians and public figures feel a certain sense of entitlement. They often feel that they can do whatever they want with impunity, and that includes having extramarital affairs. Since they consider themselves to be above the law, they feel they are exempt from the rules that apply to the rest of society.

2#. The Thrill of the Chase

Many cheaters actually thrive on all the excitement associated with having an affair. They get the kind of adrenaline rush from cheating on their mates that they’d get from participating in skydiving or other high risk sports. Cheating politicians are no different. They get a charge from the subterfuge – all the sneaking, lying scheming and other covert activities involved in keeping an extramarital affair hidden from public view.

3#. Ego-Embellishment

Politicians and public figures also cheat for a variety of ego-embellishment reasons. Having an extramarital affair can bolster a cheating politician’s ego in two ways. It can boost a flagging ego, or it can feed the already inflated ego that many politicians have. They mentally congratulate themselves for being so clever, so cunning, so intellectually superior that they’ve outwitted everyone around them by hiding what they’re doing behind closed doors.

4#. Infidelity as a Status Symbol

Many politicians and public figures view having a mistress or patronizing a high-priced call girl or prostitute as a status symbol of some kind. To many rich and powerful men, or other men in high places, the ability to afford a call girl of a certain caliber is the ultimate mark of success.

5#. The Excitement of Engaging in the Forbidden

Just like ordinary men, sometimes cheating politicians engage in infidelity or extramarital affairs solely for the excitement of getting away with doing something that’s forbidden. They revel in the thought that they’re smart enough to elude detection by pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes.

6#. The Knowledge that They Can Get Away With It

The main reason many politicians cheat on their wives and have extramarital affairs is because they are confident that they can get away with it. And countless numbers of them do. If they thought for one minute that they might get caught, most of them would never even take such a chance.

What Can the Wife of a Cheating Politician Do?

Every politician’s wife should familiarize herself with the subtle signs of infidelity, because no matter how carefully a cheating politician tries to cover his tracks, there will always be telltale signs. Since most of the signs of infidelity are subtle, knowing what to look for is the key.

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in life and love!

How To Choose “me” Before “we”

How putting your most important partnership first, the one with yourself, can create the relationship of your dreams

If you’re like most people on this planet, whether you’re single, married, or partnered, there’s a good chance that there is something about your relationship that isn’t giving you what you want. There is something more that you think you should be getting from your guy or gal, but no matter how much you talk, fight, complain, cry, wish or bargain, nothing really ever changes.

Maybe it’s the lack of attention from your honey, or perhaps you're the one accused of being “emotionally unavailable.” Maybe it’s the fighting or the feeling of loneliness that’s got you wondering if this is just how relationships are. Or if you’re single, maybe you keep finding yourself longing for that special person to show up and change your life, but you always seem to be “still waiting.”

Whatever the case may be, and there sure are many when it comes to relationships, here’s some good news that has the potential to change everything – and for the better.

Good news #1: You have the power to create the relationship you want, always, anytime, forever.
Good news #2: Your power comes by taking 100% responsibility for yourself and what you’ve created.

Okay, maybe the second part doesn’t seem like such great news, but it is. Most people go through their entire life focused on the wrong pronouns when it comes to their romantic relationships: “If he would just…, she is always…, I wish that we could be more….” How many times have these phrases uttered from your voicebox? So much attention, complaining, and obsessing over what you have no control over, and in turn, a lot of wasted energy directed at changing things that quite frankly you can’t.

Unless want to become a professional “Fixer of Others” or you’re into sacrificing your life’s dreams just to keep your lover around (which by the way is so not recommended,) then you’ve got to get your pronouns straightened out! When it comes to your relationship, the first and foremost pronoun on your mind should always be M-E, because that is where every relationship starts.

The best lives are lived and created from the inside out. If it’s a dynamic, fulfilling, intimate and authentic partnership you seek, you first must create that kind of relationship with yourself.

"Me" Before "we", What It Takes

While there are no cliff notes, pills or five easy steps, the following five must-have promises to yourself will give you the fortitude and commitment needed to choose ME before we:

Know me. Know who you are at your core. Know your dreams, values, gifts and more. Know the life you want to live, regardless of any relationship, societal pressures or family expectations. Know your own emotional holes and heal them. It’s called self-awareness. Build it.

Truthfully me. Get downright real about how honest you are with yourself. Whether it’s avoidance, denial or just flat out delusion, both men and women lie to themselves all the time to keep away the truths that feel too scary. What lies have you told yourself about we, we or we just to keep a relationship alive? Make a vow to always be honest with ME, to never hide from the truth, no matter what. Commit to unwavering, uncompromising truth with yourself.

Love me. Love yourself first and make your happiness a priority. Contrary to popular belief, loving yourself is not selfish. The more you love me the more you can and will love others. Ask yourself often, “Am I happy?” and give an honest reply. If the answer is no more often than not, take responsibility and change your situation. Take a vow to make your happiness a priority and to make decisions that reflect the love you have for you.

Trust me. When that inner voice of intuition talks to you, listen! Stop taking the advice of your voices of fear, the “shoulds,” and the over-rationalized “musts.” They never have your best interests at heart. Your intuition is always on your side. Make a promise to trust it and act on it.

Honor me. Make the choice to no longer settle for less than you truly want in your relationships. Choose to believe that what you want is possible, and do what it takes to create it.

The truth is, we all have the relationship that we choose. It may not be the one we want, but whether we like it or not, we’ve created it. If you want something different, the only place to start is with ME. It might not be the easiest path, but it will always be the most fulfilling.

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in life and love!


Powerful Secrets of Sexual Pleasure

Does your partner complain that you are not a good lover? Do you want to improve your lovemaking technique? If you want to make your partner purr with pleasure, you must:

1#. Learn what your partner enjoys. Just because you read about a great technique in an article or book doesn’t mean that it’s something your partner is going to like. You can ask your partner for feedback during or after lovemaking to see what they liked best about your approach.

2#. Remember what pleases your partner. Once you have feedback, stick it into your “sexual Rolodex” (or your favorite mental memory device) and use it again in the future. For example, if your partner goes crazy when you use your nails lightly on their inner thighs, definitely try that again when you’re in bed next time.

3#. Drop your inhibitions. When you hold back because you’re afraid of making a mistake or trying something new, you make your partner nervous, too. Then you feel their nervousness, and it just adds to your inhibitions. Stop the cycle. Whatever you want to do, try it! If it doesn’t please your partner, don’t get defensive, just listen and remember (see #2, above).

4#. Try different types of touch. Has your partner ever complained that your touch is too heavy or too light? Or boring and repetitive? Try using one finger, your thumb, the back of your hand, your nails. Bring in some soft fabric, fur, or a feather to try, too.

5#. Watch your partner’s responses. If you’re doing something your partner likes, your partner’s facial expression should change to one of interest, excitement, pleasure, or even bliss. Your partner may moan, groan, or sigh. If your partner’s facial expression is flat or they are silent, change it up. And if your partner doesn’t give you this kind of feedback, encourage them to do so.

6#. Engage all your senses during lovemaking. Your partner’s body is a marvelous feast spread before you. Let your partner know how good they look, smell, feel, and taste. When you approach your partner on all these levels, it’s simply irresistible.

It isn’t difficult to be a great lover. You just need to be willing to try things, keeping the techniques that turn your lover on and discarding the ones that turn them off. As always, that means good verbal—and nonverbal—communication. Repeat as needed (or wanted).

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in life and love!


How to Stay Sexually Connected

It’s always easy to find reasons to avoid sex: you’re exhausted, not in the mood. There are a thousand things running through your head that merely thinking about it drains the life out of you; or you just don’t feel sexy anymore. Having sex is simply out of the question to a lot of women who is recovering from childbirth, dealing with hormonal imbalances, or fighting with a spouse. Is there a way to ignite passion amidst the stresses of everyday life? Can one stay sexually connected during unsexy times? Simple arguments and misunderstandings can make one lose interest in making love.

However, it is crucial to sustain a couple’s sex life. When a couple makes love after an argument, both are easily pacified, thus, there is less damage to the relationship. Body language that says I’m sorry (such as an imploring look, a smile or even a tender touch) should not be ignored. Humour and laughter is a potent aphrodisiac—tickle each other while kissing or play-wrestle your spouse. It may feel awkward getting sexually connected after a fight, especially when you start to mentally go over the problem. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment—save the discussion for later.

Giving birth is no easy feat, but what ensues after childbirth is even more challenging. Taking care of a baby round the clock is exhausting physically and emotionally, so when you hit the bed, all you want to do is sleep. Many women also say that their libido is very low at this time and that they don’t feel sexually connected at all. Physiologically speaking, this is totally normal. A woman’s estrogen levels are extremely low after childbirth, and there is an increase in prolactin, which causes a decrease in the production of lubrication that makes sexual intercourse comfortable. Every woman heals differently; some resume sex after six weeks post birth, while others may take up to a year before their sex life goes back to normal.

A lot of couples complain that there isn’t enough time for each other during this adjustment phase of having a baby in the family. It is important for both partners to talk about their feelings—a husband may feel rejected if the woman isn’t up to having sex, so it’s important for her to explain the physical discomfort or anxieties that may hold her back. Hugs and kisses can do a lot to express love and affection, as well as back massages. After all, being intimate doesn’t always spell s-e-x. Perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms – hot flashes, weight gain, difficulty sleeping, short-term memory loss and decreased sex drive—can make a woman kiss her sex life goodbye.

On the upside, this can be a liberating time for a woman, because the danger of getting pregnant without birth control is suddenly eliminated. It is very important to be honest with one’s husband—warn him that there will be good days, and there will be days when he won’t be getting any. Make him understand that it’s not about him, and shouldn’t take it personally when you’re not in the mood. Vaginal dryness can cause painful sex, but there are water-based lubricants such as KY Jelly, as well as vaginal estrogen therapy or hormone replacement therapy if needed. Exercise was also found to be directly related to ease of arousal.

Perimenopausal women who were effortlessly aroused also exercised regularly as they aged. Contrary to popular belief, men aren’t always “ready to go”. A man’s robust libido may decline due to a number of reasons. This decline in his desire shouldn’t be taken personally and treated as a crisis. Talk about it but in a non-accusatory tone. He may not even be aware of it—a check-up should confirm if there is a thyroid problem, low testosterone level or increased prolactin (hormone that contributes to sexual dysfunction).

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in life and love!


Tips On How You Can Seduce Your Wife

Whether you’ve been married a year or a decade, you’ve probably discovered that sex can go stale, no matter how much you love your partner. Keeping sex hot in a monogamous relationship is a challenge—but can you think of a better one to tackle?

As any sex therapist will tell you, there really are differences between men and women when it comes to sex. As long as a man is still in good health, he generally needs little priming to get ready for sex. While that doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy foreplay, just the thought of making love is enough to make him ready.

Women need more. They generally express the need to know that sex means more than just a physical release. Yes, physical release is good for women, but for women orgasm comes more easily and may even feel better if sex has some emotional meaning.

Sometimes men really don’t seem to understand how to make sex meaningful to their wife. Because a man sees the act of sex as an expression of love, he may not get what he needs to do to create trust and intimacy.

That is where the art of seduction comes in. To seduce someone means to entice them, to make the idea of sex very appealing. Seduction requires charm. You need to be clever, to make yourself not only attractive to your wife, but to attract her to you as well.

One way to seduce your wife is to let her know how much you love her. And I don’t just mean her chest or tush. I mean all of her. Tell her how much you love her face, her hands, the curve of her calf. Tell her you love her kindness and her laugh. Notice the things that made you first fall in love with her, and tell her that you still notice.

Another way to seduce her is to add some romance to your day. This is true most especially on a day that you are feeling in the mood for sex. You needn’t make a big gesture or spend a lot of money. Leave a little note someplace only she will see it (her makeup drawer, on top of her handbag). Or pour her a glass of wine or sparkling water and bring her a plate of cheese and fruit when she comes home at the end of the day.

The third important thing to remember if you want to seduce your wife is to start making love by touching her hands, arms, face, neck, and back before you move onto her more erotic areas. Most women need to be warmed up a bit before they like being touched in an intimate way. Touching and kissing your wife tenderly will show that you love and respect this about her.

These things may be small, but they are very important. And you can’t just do them once and expect her to be enchanted with you forever. You need to repeat, repeat, repeat. But not the exact same thing! Following a formula will just seem forced. You need to seduce your wife with love, from the heart.

Just because you’ve been together awhile doesn’t mean you should give up on doing all the things lovers do. You can get, and keep, your wife’s interest in sex if you know how to show her that you still love her and that sex means something to you, too.

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in life and love!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Best Ways To Break Off An Affair

Most people at some point of time have been in relationship when they meet someone who looks like they would be "better" partner. However, marriage includes the expectation of primariness: the assurance of both partners to keeping each other the most important person in their life. Usually couples agree that primariness will include the expectation in which partners promise to have sexual relations with each other only.

Rather than being upset when you see someone who looks more appropriate to you, it is typically a sign that you need to pay more attention to your current relationship. As well, it is likely you or your partner is at a change phase in your relationship. For example, a new job, birth of a child, children launched, or return to school. Affairs are most likely to happen only during these phases in a couple's life cycle.

Sometimes, married couples may fall out of love and grow to dislike one another more than they care to admit. Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons (money, kids, religious beliefs, etc), they remain husband and wife in theory. These types of marriages may certainly lead one or both spouses to seek the comfort of another adult and cheat on one another.

In a troubled relationship, the lure of seeking solace in another often becomes tempting. Simple friendships or working arrangements with the opposite sex can easily turn into a full-blown affair. Despite a spouses attempt to prevent this type of relationship from becoming an extramarital affair, they may find their feelings too powerful to deny and thus give in to their desires to be with this new person. If you are involved in an affair and can’t seem to break it off, the following are a few tips to help you break free.

According to an affair poll of over 500 women conducted by, over 30% of women engaged in an affair said that the affair lasted more than a year, with approximately 25% saying their affair lasted less than 6 months.

To gather statistics on affairs is really a difficult task. The results generally varies due to the type of group being studied, the reporting method, and because we know people are lying, even when the research is anonymous. The percentage of those who say they had affairs ranges from 25% to 75% of all males and 15% to 60% of all women.

Here are some of the best ways to break off an affair

• Keep it short. Don’t go into in-depth details about why the affair can’t continue. The simpler and cleaner the break-up is, the better.
• Tell them in person and in public area where a scene is less likely to take place.
• Make it final. Don’t allow your affair partner to think there will be a chance of getting back together.
• Be kind. You want to move past this so you can work on your existing relationship or move on.

Breaking off an affair can be just as difficult as breaking up a marriage depending on if there are emotions involved and how long it has gone on. However, having an affair is never fair to the partner left in the dark. If you have any doubts on breaking off your affair, simply remember the golden rule, “due unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in life and love!