Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Make Him Fall In Love With You

Dear Reader,
If you want to make a man fall in love with you... Or you want to get that "spark" back in your relationship, check this out-There is one thing that is likely holding you back from the relationship of your dreams: you. I know that sounds harsh, but let me explain.What if you, your thoughts and your actions were the biggest obstacle to letting love into your life?

And what if the most certain and fool-proof way to make sure you attract the right man and create the right relationship didn't have anything to do with spending your time trying to figure out what’s going on with him... But instead had everything to do with what was going on inside of you?

When it comes to love and relationships, if you haven't laid the groundwork for yourself first, odds are you're not going to experience any kind of lasting love and happiness- no matter how "perfect" your man is, or how hard you try to make your relationship work.In fact, the harder you try, the farther love and a fun and "flowing" relationship will move away from you. Why is this? The short answer is that love is not a destination.
Love is not something that you'll one day "get right" and arrive at and enjoy forever. You can't force love to come together and take place- especially with a man. Love is a process. And so are relationships.

And because of this, love requires that if you want the best possible relationship... then you have to engage in love from the best possible place within yourself, everyday.What you give really is what you get, like it or not.

This is part of the secret of creating and sharing an amazing level of love and affection in your life with a man- You have to bring your very best self to everything you do with a man, and in your relationship.

And that includes not just what you say and do around a man... but the feelings and emotions you go on inside you that are what drives what you say and do with a man.

Your relationship with a man is a reflection of the relationship you have with yourself, and the feelings and emotions you carry inside.What are you carrying inside that you can't or don't want to talk about or share?How is this really at the heart of what's holding you back and getting in your way.

The strangest part is, what seems like the thing that will hurt the most (confronting the things we don't want to think about)... is the very thing that will set us free and open us up to something bigger and better.

If you're carrying fear and pain from your past, then you'll create distance between you and a man... and you'll unknowingly push him away with your worries and anxiety.
But...If you show up everyday with an open, loving, and compassionate heart... and you radiate the things that are part of your "best self"... a man won't be able to keep himself from being drawn to you- and you'll attract him effortlessly from the inside out.
And when you can do this, you'll be amazed at how quickly even the most difficult and impossible seeming situations suddenly turn into moments of learning, growth, and deeper connection.
"Disagreements" turn into opportunities where you and a man learn more about how you both really feel and start understanding each other better.
"Fights" turn into ways that you both break out of your old patterns and grow incredible new connections.

"Uncertainty" turns into the very essence of the excitement that keeps you both coming back to each other to learn and discover more... and move to deeper levels of love and appreciation.
But you can't even begin to get there and turn these things around in your relationship if you haven’t put yourself in the right "state" first.
You have to put yourself in the right place in your heart and mind before a man is going to experience the kind of love and attraction he needs to feel with you for your relationship to grow close and last.
This amazing program will help you overcome the personal challenges that are keeping you from experiencing true love and intimacy. And it will help you do it right away.
You'll learn how to let go of the painful stories that still cause you heartache and pain, even in new relationships. You'll learn how to break the self-destructive habits that are making it impossible for you to create an open, loving relationship with a man.
You'll learn how to rid your life of the insecurity, worry, and hesitation that often drives men away but you don't feel like you can do anything about.
Let me help you discover a way to regain your own feminine "power" and shift your mindset from looking for the right guy to being the right woman who is ready to welcome love into her life and a man can't resist.

Because if you wait around for a man to be the one to help you get your heart, your mind, and your love life together... you might be waiting a while.
So, take the time to be in the right place for yourself first... and the right man and the right relationship will follow. I know it.

I'll talk to you again soon, and best of luck in life and love, I want to know how I can improve my materials even more and help you live the life filled with love and joy you deserve.

P.S.One more quick question;What's your biggest frustration with men, relationships and dating? Do you find it easy to meet men, but hard to keep their attention and interest as soon as things start to get serious?
Are you wondering how to approach your boyfriend about commitment, because you've been together a long time now and he isn’t bringing it up on his own? Are you worried that the man you're with will cheat on you?
I actually put together a list of "Top 10"questions that I most commonly get from women like you, who are wondering how to get past certain "bumps" in the road when it comes to their love lives.
Find out what to do in each of these situations, and see if your specific relationship or dating is worth you think it should be.
Sadly, many women will go their entire lives without ever experiencing true love and connection with a man they care about. I don't want you to be one of them. This blog will show you exactly how to find the love you’ve been waiting your whole life to find and do it in a way that will make you feel good inside because you'll know that you're giving yourself and a man what you both Really want - an attractive, happy, and together woman. I personally guarantee it.

I will talk to you again soon.
Keep on Dating There is someone out there for
Best of luck in life and love!

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