Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Shocking Facts About Women In Relationships

Did You Know that;

1). Over 1,300 women are killed each year by their husbands, ex-husbands, or boyfriends

2). An estimated three to four million women each year silently endure abuse or travel to hospital emergency rooms following an assault by their husbands or partners

3). In Canada ALONE, 1 woman is killed every 3 days by a man known to her

4). Nationwide, every 15 seconds a women is beaten, every three minutes a woman is raped, every six hours a women is killed

5). Domestic violence is the NUMBER ONE cause of emergency-room visits by women nationwide

6). Eighty-eight percent of women in prison are victims of domestic violence

7). More than 3 million children witness acts of domestic violence nationwide every year
8). Children of abused mothers are six times as likely to attempt suicide and 50 percent more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol

Well,whether emotional, verbal, mental, physical, or a combination of all abuse wears you down. You go from a happy, care-free woman {remember those days before him} to days of consuming feelings of resentment,anger,depression and growing insecurity. When you look into the mirror you see a shell of a person, with no life left in their eyes. Go right now and look in the mirror {you'll be surprised to see the 'life' is no longer there. You are empty. Hollow. This relationship is not making you a 'whole' person, it is making you a 'non-person'.

Is there anything you can do about it? Check it out in my MUST READ next post!

What's your biggest frustration with men, relationships and dating? Do you find it easy to meet men, but hard to keep their attention and interest as soon as things start to get serious? Are you wondering how to approach your boyfriend about commitment, because you've been together a long time now and he isn’t bringing it up on his own? Are you worried that the man you're with will cheat on you? Are wondering how to get past certain "bumps" in the road when it comes to your love life. Find out what to do in each of these situations, and see if your specific relationship or dating is worth you think it should be.Sadly, many women will go their entire lives without ever experiencing true love and connection with a man they care about. I don't want you to be one of them. This blog will show you HOW,WHEN,AND WHERE IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP exactly how to find the love you’ve been waiting your whole life to find and do it in a way that will make you feel good inside because you'll know that you're giving yourself and the man in your love life.

I will talk to ya again soon.
Keep on Dating!There is someone out there for everyone.
Best of luck in love and life!

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